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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Human Rights Ministry
Donate now to the 2019 IP Human Rights Ministry Humanitarian Fund: https://usparliament.org/donate.php

Human Rights Minister Jennifer Naidu [Women Empowerment and Education]
Deputy Human Rights Minister Jagdish Lal Gogna [National Human Rights Committee, Chandigarh]
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Human Rights Ministry Administrators

Administrator Edda Giuberti [Associazione Umanitaria Tripla Difesa Onlus]
Deputy Administrator Elvira Pulcini [World Peace Independent]
Associate Administrator Gan Veronica [Info. Not Avail.]
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Contact the Human Rights Ministry
Human Rights Ministry "International Parliament Group 14" Facebook Page
Human Rights Ministry "Elected Members Only" Facebook Page
Human Rights Ministry Home Page: http://international-parliament.org/human-rights.html

UCC-All-New-Members-Help-Sign-up Facebook Page (Join Here to Get Help/Info. Via Facebook)
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Twelve Worldwide Population-Balanced Provincial Parliaments
Ministry Members; please click the link above link to view monthly Provincial cycles.
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ACCEPTABLE MOTIONS INCLUDE - Four Points - In order of Priority
Point of Order, Point of Personal Privilege, Point of Parliamentary Inquiry and Point of Information.

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Human Rights Ministry Directors

Director Paolo Giovanni Ribezzi de Bourbon [Imperial, Most Serene and Royal House Ribezzi de Bourbon of Magri von Habsburg]
Director Jannat Nisha Saifi [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Zoheb Salim [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Mohammad Shariar Nafees [Ministry of Human Rights]
Director Laxman Chary [Human Rights]
Director Bhairavav Prasad Reddy [International Peace]
Director Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola [Info. Not Avail.]
Director S.S.Varatharajan Shanmugavelu [International Association of Educators for World Peace]
Director Rizwan Jhanwala [International Human Rights Protection]
Director Sayed Salim Al Sous [Grand Master Freemason]

Director Mr. Mohamed Mohamed Abdel [Represent the Poor and the Oppressed]
Director Archana Tyagi [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Nitu Kaur Bhullar [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Datu Edelverios Atad Paundog [Republic of Southern Philippines]
Director Mr Seyed Ahamed Rafeel [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Saad [Real]
Director Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh [Social work, Numismatics and Philately]
Director Armando da Costa Jeronimo [Armando da Costa Jeronimo]
Director Ghada Chehayeb [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Starchild [Libertarian]

Director Andres Salvador Soto Martinez [SMIR Caesar Imperator Rex (Casa Real e Imperial De Palestinae Romana y Decapolis)]
Director Anil Nair [English.Hindhi.Malayalm]
Director MD Nabeel Taha [NSTWFI]
Director Steve Romero [Secretary Chief of INDIGENOUS Affairs Indigenous ONE]
Director Dr. Tapesh Chandra Gupta [Promotes Education and Training]
Director Dr. Mahmoud M.S.M. AL-Sabah [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Gajanand Rajput [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Dr. Fayez Kontar [Info Not Avail.]
Director Imran Z. Kingrechi [Info Not Avail.]
Director Gregory [Info. Not Avail.]

Director Dr. Muhammad Amjad Yaseen [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Peter Schachinger [Info. Not Avail.]
Director S.P.R. Irwan Gunawan [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Zahid Haque [Info Not Avail.]
Director Dr. Pardeep Kaur [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Syed Mujtaba Hussian [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Dr. Majed Alrukbi [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
Director Esam Ali [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Mahmoud Youssef [Info. Not Avail.]

Director Rabi3a Chebli [Info. Not Avail.]
Director MD Zakeer Pasha [NSTWFI]
Director Risheek Rakesh [Social]
Director Md Akram Hossain [Hasan]
Director Mohammad Sameer Hasan [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Atikhan [Baba]
Director Dr. Banshidhar Sahu [Florida Association of Counties Ambassador]
Director Rania Osman [Info. Not Avail.]
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Navigation for Human Rights Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #11
Marked Eballots #11
Eballot #11 Totals
Nominations for Eballot #11

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Eballot # Totals

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #50
Marked Eballots #50
Eballot #50 Totals

Blank Eballot #73
Marked Eballots #73
Eballot #73 Totals
Nominees for Eballot #73

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