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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Peace and Conflict Resolution Ministry

Peace and Conflict Resolution Minister Dr Yusuf J Aliu [Negotiating for Human Rights, Joint Peace, Diplomacy and Environmental Resolutions]
Deputy Peace and Conflict Resolution Minister Mahmood Mandeel Mohsin [International Human Rights Commission/Office Manager Iraq]
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Twelve Worldwide Population-Balanced Provincial Parliaments
Ministry Members; please click the link above link to view monthly Provincial cycles.
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Contact the Peace and Conflict Resolution Ministry
Group 23 - Peace and Conflict Resolution Ministry Facebook Page
Peace and Conflict Resolution Ministry Home Page: http://www.international-parliament.org/p-d-p-r-f.html

UCC-All-New-Members-Help-Sign-up Facebook Page (Join Here to Get Help/Info. Via Facebook)
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Director Al Moetasem Bellah Omar [Ambassador]
Director Carter Ngope [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Anna Bhai [Info. Not Avail.]
Director ZbtRusy [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Rosluh [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Travis Martineau [One]

Director Chandibai Potsangbam [Free Speech]
Director Walterfrike [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Jennifer Patton [Info. Not Avail.]
Director Ali J. Mohammed [President of the International Media Observatory]
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Navigation for Peace and Conflict Resolution Ministry of the International Parliament's Cabinet

Blank Eballot #49
Marked Eballots #49
Eballot Totals #49
Nominate and See the Nominees Who Accepted

Blank Eballot for Voting on Policy Resolutions
Marked Eballots Cast for Resolutions
Totals/Results of All Marked Eballots Cast for Resolutions

Policy Guidelines
Blank Eballot #50 for Voting on Ministry's Policy Guidelines
Marked Eballots #50 and Totals Cast for Policy Guidelines
Eballot Totalss #50 and Totals Cast for Policy Guidelines

Blank Eballot # for Voting on Administrators
Marked Eballots # and Totals Cast for Administrators
Nominees for Administrators Who Have Accepted
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