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The International Parliament
"Building united inter-party coalitions to get things done collaboratively, not unilaterally."

Eballot #3 Totals
Eballot #3 for MIPs to Elect Ten Executives
(MIP=member of international parliament)

Totals on 9/22/2017
Top Ten Ranked Names Are Elected by 58 MIPs (Minus two spoiled = 56)
* * *

1,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,3,1,2,2,2,3,2,2,1,2,3,2,3,1,2,2,2,1,4,2,2,2,2,1,10,1 (33 tics) James Ogle [Republican] USA (Picked Vice President on 10/2/2015)

2,8,8,3,8,6,6,3,8,6,1,8,1,8,1,8,1,8,2,8,8,8,4,1,8,8,8,1,5,3,5 (31 tics) Nadine Squires (AKA Kwan Tera) [One] Earth (Picks Speaker, elected on 12/12/2014, picked President on 11/21/2016)

5,5,5,1,1,2,5,1,1,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,3,5,5,6,6,8,3 (24 tics) Frank-Michael Hensel [NWP] Germany (Picked Secretary General on 8/28/2015)

1,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,10,1,1,1,1,1,1,6 (23 tics) Edlira Zeka [Democratic] Albania (Picked President on 10/2/2015, stands down on 9/28/2016)

6,6,6,8,8,6,8,8,6,6,6,4,6,6,6,6,8,6,6,6 (20 tics) Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic] USA (Picked Senator on 12/13/2014, stands down on 8/5/2016)

3,4,4,6,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,7 (17 tics) Samir El Halabi [Democratic] USA (Picked Head of State on 10/2/2015, stands down 10/26/2016)

3,3,5,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,9 (16 tics) His August and Sovereign Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Dr. Angelo Toyas [Democratic.] Greece (Picked Prime Minister on 10/2/2015, stands down on 11/2/2016)

1,4,4,4,4,4,2,2,1,6,1,2,2,2 (15 tics, sum 39) Excellency Senator Dr Maj General Lord Buck Rogers [Conservative] UK (picked CEO on 3/15/2016)

9,9,4,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 (15 tics, sum 122) Tony S. Martakusumah [Independent] Indonesia (Picked International Trade on 10/2/2015, stands down on 11/4/2016)

7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 (13 tics) Theodorou Georgios [Democratic] Greece (Picked High Accountant on 10/2/2015, stands down 11/4/2016)

1,8,10,10,10,10,7,8,5,1,10,6 (12 tics, sum 86) Haji Ajmal Shamali [Independent] Afghanistan (Picked President from 9/18/2013 to 10/2/2015, elected 11/5/2016)

2,7,7,5,7,7,9,5,2,4,4 (11 tics, sum 59) Taras Shevchenko [Peace, International Mission for the Peace] Ukraine (Elected on 4/10/2015, picked Ombudsman, Elected 11/4/2016)

1,6,15,4,11,15,7,7,13,7 (10 tics) Heli Tattari [Universal] USA (Elected 11/5/2016)

7,1,1,11,7,1,6,7,8 (9 tics, sum 49) Khadim Hussain Dahot [Independent] Pakistan (Elected 11/5/2016)

5,5,5,5,7,4,7,8,9 (9 tics, sum 55) Arvind Kumar Sharma [NWP] India

3,3,3,1,6,7,1,1 (8 tics, sum 25) Dr. Haissam Bou-Said [Parliamentary] Lebanon (Picked Prime Minister on 11/22/2014)(stands down on 3/14/2016)

2,2,1,11,2,2,10,10 (8 tics, sum 43) Ms Addad Mimouna [Independent] Algeria (Elected on 9/7/2017)

1,1,9,9,9,9,5,5 (8 tics, sum 48) Nikhil Chakma [Jumma indigenous people, Chittagong Hill Tracts] Bangladesh (Declined on 11/5/2016)

1,2,12,1,6,1,11 (7 tics, sum 34) Mr Abdelkader Boubekeur [Independent] Algeria (Elected 11/9/2016 to 11/11/2016, elected again on 12/12/2016 to 9/7/2017)

17,8,15,2,1,2,1 (7 tics, sum 45) Senator Pamela Elizondo [Green]

7,5,8,4,4 (5 tics, sum 28) Cathy Bilsky [World Enlightenment] USA

9,6,12,6 (4 tics, sum 33) Ian Luckett [Respublica of Earth] Earth

10,3,14,5 (4 tics, sum 32) Kristy Knight [Respublica of Earth] Earth

3,3,2 (3 tics, sum 8) Senator Turkan Ergor [Peace] Turkey

3,2,6 (3 tics, sum 11) Jean-Yves Metayer [Social Democrat] France

4,9,7 (3 tics, sum 20) Cindy Kay Carrier [Respublica of Earth] Earth

11,1,8 (3 tics, sum 20) Raouaa Bousslimi [Youth] Tunisia

1,10,9 (3 tics, sum 20) Senator Mosharaf Chowdhury [Independent] Ireland

12,2,9 (3 tics, sum 23) Mayssem Chebbi [Youth] Tunisia

20,1,3 (3 tics, sum 24) Senator Jennifer Naidu [Women Empowerment and Education] India

2,3 (2 tics, sum 5) Benyagoub Mostefaoui [Independent] Algeria

2,4 (2 tics, sum 6) Renil Chakma [Pahari Chatra Porishad Hill Students' Council] Bangledesh

4,4 (2 tics, sum 8) Senator Dr. Hatham Durbie [Humanity] Lebanon

6,3 (2 tics, sum 9) David J Gagnon [Independent] USA

5,5 (2 tics, sum 10) Melanie Nguessan [World] Ivory Coast

5,10 (2 tics, sum 15) Gary Jordon [Respublica of Earth] Earth

8,7 (2 tics, sum 15) Dr. Paul Dyer [Independent] USA

13,3 (2 tics, sum 16) Hamza Ben Abbes [Youth] Tunisia

9,8 (2 tics, sum 17) Senator Rana M. Sandlin [Independent] USA

15,5 (2 tics, sum 20) Dorothy Durio Collins [Democratic] USA

14,12 (2 tics, sum 26) David Alonso Guiu [Global Peace] Earth

16,14 (2 tics, sum 30) Michel Tia [NWP]

18,16 (2 tics, sum 34) Zamble Arsene [World] Ivory Coast

2 Michelle Obama [Democratic] USA

3 Alwin Roland [Diplomatic Mission] India

3 Barack Obama [Democratic] USA

5 Don Alexander [Info. Not Avail.] Earth

6 Luzindana Adam Buyinza [Coordinator-US Free Parliamentary Party] Uganda

7 Valeriana Mariani [Women & Leadership] Italy

13 Ernest Wells [Communist] USA

13 Princess Christelle Palazzi [Women's Rights] France

19 Senator Oroba Raheem Yakoob [Women's Rights and Justice] Malta
* * *

Totals on 8/17/2017
Top Ten Ranked Names Are Elected
* * *

Speaker Kwan Tera (AKA Nadine Squires) [One] Earth (Picks Speaker, elected on 12/12/2014, picked President on 11/21/2016)
8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,6,6,7,7,6,6,2,3,4,5,9,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,1 (35 tics

Vice President James Ogle [Republican] USA (Picked Vice President on 10/2/2015)
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,2,1,1,1,3,3,10,3,1,3,1,3,3,3 (30

Secretary General Frank-Michael Hensel [NWP] Germany (Picked Secretary General on 8/28/2015)
5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,2 (22 tics

President Edlira Zeka [Democratic] Earth (Picked President on 10/2/2015, stands down on 9/28/2016)
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,10,2,9 (21 tics

Senator Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic] USA (Picked Senator on 12/13/2014, stands down on 8/5/2016)
6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,4,4,4,8,4 (20 tics

International Trade Tony S. Martakusumah [Independent] Indonesia (Picked International Trade on 10/2/2015, stands down on 11/4/2016)
9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,4,9,4,10,4,4,4 (18 tics

Head of State Sam Halabi [Democratic] USA (Picked Head of State on 10/2/2015, stands down 10/26/2016)
4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,7,6,6,6,6 (17 tics

Prime Minister His August and Sovereign Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Dr. Angelo Toyas [Democratic.] Greece (Picked Prime Minister on 10/2/2015, stands down on 11/2/2016)
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,6,5,5,5,5 (17 tics

High Accountant Theodorou Georgios [Democratic] Greece (Picked High Accountant on 10/2/2015, stands down 11/4/2016)
7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8 (14 tics

Excellency Senator Dr Brig General Lord Buck Rogers [Conservative] UK (picked CEO on 3/15/2016)
4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,2,4,7,1,1,4,4 (14 tics, sum 47)

Ombudsman Taras Shevchenko [International Mission for the Peace] Ukraine (Elected 11/4/2016)
7,7,7,3,3,2,9,5,2,5 (11 tics, sum 58)

Khadim Hussain Dahot's [Independent] (Pakistan) (Elected 11/5/2016)
1,4,1,1,7,9,7,9,9,7 (10 tics, sum 55)

President Haji Ajmal Shamali [Independent] Afghanistan (Picked President from 9/18/2013 to 10/2/2015, elected 11/5/2016)
10,10,10,6,6,1,8,7,8,1 (10 tics, sum 67)

Dr. Haissam Bou-Said [Parliamentary] Lebanon (Picked Prime Minister on 11/22/2014)(stands down on 3/14/2016)
3,3,3,3,1,1,6,1 (8 tics, sum 21)

Arvind Kumar Sharma [NWP] India (Elected 11/5/2016)
5,5,5,5,4,7,7,5 (8 tics, sum 43)

Nikhil Chakma [Jumma indigenous people, Chittagong Hill Tracts] Bangladesh (Declined on 11/5/2016)
9,9,9,1,1,5,5 (7 tics, sum of 57)

Amb Abdelkader Boubekeur [Independent] Algeria (Elected 11/9/2016 to 11/11/2016, elected again on 12/12/2016)
3,3,1,1,1,1,1 (7 tics, sum 11)

Heli Tattari [Universal] Earth (Elected 11/5/2016)
6,4,11,1,1,8,8 (7 tics, sum 39)

Ms Addad Mimouna [Independent] Algeria
2,2,2,2,2,1 (6 tics, sum 11)

Benyagoub Mostefaoui [Independent] Algeria (Elected 11/11/2016 to 12/12/2016)
3,2,2,10 (4 tics, sum 17)

Jean-Yves Metayer Robbes [Social Democrat] France (declined)
2,3,6 (3 tics, sum 11)

Cathy Bilsky [World Enlightenment] USA (Elected 11/5/2016 to 11/9/2016)
7,5,8 (3 tics, sum 20)

Ian Luckett [Respublica of Earth] Earth
9,6,12 (3 tics, sum 27)

Kristy Knight [Consciousness] Earth (declined)
3,14,10 (3 tics, sum 27)

Renil Chakma [Pahari Chatra Porishad Hill Students' Council] Bangledesh
2,4 (2 tics, sum 6)

David Gagnon (Independent USA) (declined)
3,6 (2 tics, sum 9)

Raouaa Bousslimi [Youth] Tunisia (declined)
11,1 (2 tics, sum 12)

Cindy Kay Carrier [Respublica of Earth] Earth (declined)
4,9 (2 tics, sum 13)

Mayssem Chebbi [Youth] Tunisia (declined)
12,2 (2 tics, sum 14)

Gary Jordon [Respublica of Earth] Earth (declined)
5,10 (2 tics, sum 15)

Hamza Ben Abbes [Youth] Tunisia
13,3 (2 tics, sum 16)

Dorothy Collins [Democratic] (declined)
15,5 (2 tics, sum 20)

Barack Obama (One)

Michelle Obama (one)

Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic] (Earth) (declined)
3 (1 tics, sum 3)

Alwin Roland [Diplomatic Mission] India
3 (1 tics, sum 3)

5 Johnny Montana (one)

Luzindana Adam Buyinza [US Free Parliamentary] Uganda

Jonah Bolt (One) Earth
6 (1 tics, sum 6)

Ernest Wells
* * *

Old Totals Up To 10/2/2015

- Edlira Zeka [Republican] Earth (Picked Senator on 12/13/2014, Head of State to 10/2/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Nadine Squires [One] Earth (Picks Speaker, elected on 12/12/2014)
( tics, sum )

Dr. Haissam Bou-Said [Parliamentary] Lebanon (Picked Prime Minister on 11/22/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic] Earth (Picked Senator on 12/13/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Senator Dr Brig General Lord Buck Rogers [Conservative] (Picks Vice President approx. 7/20/2015 (Elected 5/26/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Arvind Kumar Sharma [Cabinet Minister] India (Elected on 4/10/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Haji Ajmal Shamali [Independent] Afghanistan (Picked President on 9/18/2013 to 10/2/2015
( tics, sum )

- Nikhil Chakma [Jumma indigenous people, Chittagong Hill Tracts] Bangladesh (Elected on 8/10/2014 to 4/10/2015) (Elected 5/23/2015 to 5/26/2015) (Elected on 6/12/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Taras Shevchenko (Peace, International Mission for the Peace) Ukraine (Elected on 4/10/2015)
( tics, sum )

- James Ogle [Republican] USA (Picked Vice President on 9/18/2013 stands down on 4/10/2015, picked Vice President on 10/2/2015)

( tics, sum )

- Jean-Yves Metayer Robbes (Social-Democratic) France (Picked Secretary General on 4/10/2015, stands down on 8/27/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Dorothy Durio Collins [Democratic] USA (Picked Secretary General on 12/11/2014 stands down on 3/26/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Kristy Knight [Consciousness] Earth (Picked Round Table Chair on 10/31/2014 to 4/10/2015) (Elected on 4/10/2015 to 6/11/2015 when she "steps down")
( tics, sum )

Frank-Michael Hensel [NWP] Germany (Picked Secretary General on 8/28/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Cathy Bilsky [Ubuntu] USA (Picked Equality Chair on 11/2/2013, declines on 4/10/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Ernest Wells [Communist] USA (Picked Intelligence Director on 5/2/2013 to ?) (Picked Intelligence Director on 8/27/2015 to 8/28/2015)
( tics, sum )

- David J. Gagnon (Independent) USA (Declines on 4/3/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Heli Tattari [Respublica of Earth] Earth (Picked Ombudsman on 7/1/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Ian Luckett [Respublica of Earth] UK (Picked Ombudsman on 7/2/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Hamza Ben Abbes [Youth] Tunisia (Declined 12/10/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Renil Chakma [Social Worker] Bangledesh
( tics, sum )

- Joy Waymire [Decline to State] USA
( tics, sum )

- Alwin Roland [Diplomatic Mission] India (Elected on 4/10/2015 to 5/23/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Cindy Kay Carrier [Respublica of Earth] Earth (Picked Ombudsman on 6/29/2014)(stands down on 8/8/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Raouaa Bousslimi [Youth] Tunisia (Declined 12/10/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Gary Jordon [Respublica of Earth] Earth (Stands down on 9/2/2014)
( tics, sum )

- Mayssem Chebbi [Youth] Tunisia (Declined on 12/9/2014)
( tics, sum )

Pamela Azar (USA)
( tics, sum )

Jonah Bolt (One) Earth
( tics, sum )

- Luzindana Adam Buyinza [Coordinator-US Free Parliamentary Party] Uganda (Picked Unifier on 2/9/2014)
( tics, sum )

His August and Sovereign Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Dr. Angelo Toyas [Info. Not Avail.]
( tics, sum )

Marines Limonia Macedo [Info. Not Avail.] Brazil 6/5/2015
( tics, sum )

Evelyn Ermisch [Humanitarian Organization] (Elected Executive from 8/27/2015 to 8/28/2015)
( tics, sum )

- Jim Doyle [Republican] USA
( tics, sum )

- Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent] (Hasn't accepted)
( tics, sum )

Gino Joubert (One) Earth, USA
( tics, sum )

- Hrvoje Baricevic [One] (Declined)
( tics, sum )

- King Damian [One] (Hasn't accepted)
( tics, sum )
* * *

Navigation for Elected Members of International Parliament

All Elected Members' Eballot to Elect Guidelines "RESOLUTION NUMBER 1" (Eballot #1, Perpetual)
Marked Eballots for RESOLUTION NUMBER 1

First International Parliament Election (Eballot #2, for 2022)
Nominations for Eballot #2
Marked Eballots #2
Totals Eballots #2 on 8/6/2017
Totals Eballots #2 on 12/18/2016
Totals Eballots #2 on 8/3/2014

"Votes of Confidence" (Eballot #3, Perpetual)
Blank Eballot #3
Marked Eballot #3
Eballot #3 Totals
"Votes of Confidence" Prior to 4/27/2018
Candidates' Statements
Blank Eballot #3
Marked Eballot #3
Eballot #3 Totals
History of Elected Executive

All Ten Executives' Agenda Items (Eballot #4, Perpetual)
Agenda Eballot #4
Proposed Eballot #4 Agenda Items
Marked Eballot #4 for Agenda
Eballot #4 Totals for Agenda
Agenda Items Eballot #4 Approved
Eballot #4-a Proposed Senator "Declaration" Agenda Items
Marked Eballots #4-a for Agenda

All Registered Members' Eballot for Direct Democracy Election (Eballot #13)
Direct Democracy Eballot
Marked Direct Democracy Eballots

First International Parliament General Assembly Conferences
Meeting's Minutes

Welcome Members of International Parliament (MIPs)!
International Parliament Voting Links
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